Saturday, April 30, 2022

How to enjoy an at-home spa day with your dog

Treat yourself to a spa day – or, in your dog's case, a spaw day – at home using the tools you have on hand. The post How to enjoy an at-home spa day with your dog appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Friday, April 29, 2022

What do dogs dream about? Understanding how your dog sleeps

What do dogs dream about? That question has long puzzled dog owners and scientists alike. Now, MIT researchers are closer to finding out. The post What do dogs dream about? Understanding how your dog sleeps appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Understand why your dog behaves that way

Dogs have shown their ability for critical thinking through head tilting, raising ears, staring, alertness, problem-solving and more. The post Understand why your dog behaves that way appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Discover the top 5 gifts for new dog owners

Choose ideal gifts for new dog owners from dog treats and harnesses to cozy dog beds, teething toys, and portable dog bowls. The post Discover the top 5 gifts for new dog owners appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Friday, April 22, 2022

7 ways you are unintentionally shortening your dog’s lifespan

Mistakes that shorten your dog's lifespan include skipping vet visits, failing to keep up with vaccines, not feeding your dog a healthy diet. The post 7 ways you are unintentionally shortening your dog’s lifespan appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

11 things you should know before you adopt a dog

Before you adopt a dog, be sure you're ready for the responsibility. Use this 11-tip guide to help you decide. The post 11 things you should know before you adopt a dog appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

How to deal with grief after losing a pet

When a pet dies, it's perfectly normal to feel grief. It’s OK to express your sadness, disappointment, or anger. The post How to deal with grief after losing a pet appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

6 behavior tips and tricks every dog parent should know

Use basic behavior tips to train your dog to calm down, sit and stay, come when called, leave things alone and lie down on command. The post 6 behavior tips and tricks every dog parent should know appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

How 3 dog lovers found romance online

The best how we met stories include dogs that bring together dog lovers for their own happily ever after. Read three of those stories here. The post How 3 dog lovers found romance online appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Use this handy guide to feed your dog a grain-free diet

Switching to a grain-free diet can benefit dogs if they suffer from allergies, food intolerances, or digestive issues. The post Use this handy guide to feed your dog a grain-free diet appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Monday, April 11, 2022

The ultimate guide to cleaning up after your dog

To clean up after your dog, start by getting the right tools. Use storage space for your dog's items and keep your dog off the furniture. The post The ultimate guide to cleaning up after your dog appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

7 simple tips to increase your French bulldog’s lifespan

To increase your French bulldog’s lifespan, pay attention to diet, provide exercise, visit the vet regularly and spend time with your dog. The post 7 simple tips to increase your French bulldog’s lifespan appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Why do dogs wag their tails in their sleep?

Why would a dog wag its tail while sleeping? The dog is happy and content, the dog is cold, the dog is having a nightmare or seizure. The post Why do dogs wag their tails in their sleep? appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

7 reasons why your family needs emotional support animals

Whether it's stabilizing intense emotions or making you feel loved, emotional support animals can do your entire family good. The post 7 reasons why your family needs emotional support animals appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

20 tips to safely kayak with your dog

Looking for new adventures with your dog? Consider kayaking. But before do, read this guide to safely kayak with your dog. The post 20 tips to safely kayak with your dog appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Dog attacks: 6 things you need to know

Dog attacks are an everyday occurrence and could happen to anyone. They can be terrifying and traumatic for everyone involved. The post Dog attacks: 6 things you need to know appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Should dogs avoid legume and pea protein?

Eating legumes and pea protein is essential, but too much can cause enlargement of your dog's heart and other health problems. The post Should dogs avoid legume and pea protein? appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Friday, April 1, 2022

Learn how to meet your dog’s nutritional needs

Choose the right dog food to address your pet's nutritional needs. Dogs need a balanced diet rich in macronutrients and micronutrients. The post Learn how to meet your dog’s nutritional needs appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Are some dog breeds more dangerous than others?

Why are some dogs considered dangerous breeds while others are not? What factors make dogs dangerous and can you prevent hazards? The post Are some dog breeds more dangerous than others? appeared first on Dog's Best Life.