Friday, January 29, 2021

Add healthy human foods to your dog’s diet

Many human foods can be healthy additions to your dog's diet. Consider adding yogurt, apples, broccoli and more to what you feed your dog. The post Add healthy human foods to your dog’s diet appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

A beginner’s guide to CBD for dogs

CBD products for dogs help improve mobility, reduce pain, help with digestion issues and dogs' anxiety. It also can reduce seizures. The post A beginner’s guide to CBD for dogs appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Big dog essentials: Get the right gear for large canines

Large dog owners need to provide the proper gear to suit their size. Carefully consider your large dog's bed, toys, and grooming gear. The post Big dog essentials: Get the right gear for large canines appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

8 ways to keep your dog away from fish tanks

Put your aquarium in a room where your dog doesn’t go or set up a motion sensor-controlled alarm system to keep your pup away from the tank. The post 8 ways to keep your dog away from fish tanks appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

7 tips for living successfully with an epileptic dog

If you have an epileptic dog, reduce risks at home that could injure your dog during a seizure. Research the condition and ask questions. The post 7 tips for living successfully with an epileptic dog appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Monday, January 25, 2021

How pets help us through the pandemic

Being stuck at home reinforced the value of pet benefits for most owners. Our dogs provide unconditional love and are great listeners. The post How pets help us through the pandemic appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

3 common dog behavior issues and how to fix them

Don't wait, take action immediately to control three common dog behavior issues: barking, chewing, and aggression. The post 3 common dog behavior issues and how to fix them appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Post-surgery physical rehabilitation provides benefits for dogs

Providing post-surgery care for dogs will help your pup fully rehabilitate and gradually resume regular activities. The post Post-surgery physical rehabilitation provides benefits for dogs appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

5 things you need to consider before getting a puppy

To make sure you're ready for a puppy, use this checklist to be sure you can take on the commitment and responsibility. The post 5 things you need to consider before getting a puppy appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Home upgrades to help dogs live longer, healthier, lives

Making home upgrades to help dogs don't have to be overly complicated. Consider what’s best for their health and safety. The post Home upgrades to help dogs live longer, healthier, lives appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

5 dos and don’ts for Golden Retriever training

For successful Golden Retriever training, incorporate training daily using short, fun exercises and lots of healthy treats. The post 5 dos and don’ts for Golden Retriever training appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Pros and cons of fostering dogs

Fostering dogs offers a second chance at life and transform dogs from shelter animals to pets ready to find their forever families. The post Pros and cons of fostering dogs appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Waterproof blanket helps dogs suffering from incontinence

The Pawtect Blanket is made using the company's specially-made faux fur and proprietary Sherpup® multi-layer material. The post Waterproof blanket helps dogs suffering from incontinence appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Manage canine incontinence with a waterproof dog blanket

While canine incontinence afflicts dogs of all ages, breeds, and gender, spayed females and some breeds are prone to the condition. The post Manage canine incontinence with a waterproof dog blanket appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Friday, January 15, 2021

6 amazing vacation ideas for you and your dog in 2021

Choose dog-friendly holiday spots perfect for those who like to spend their vacations without worrying about their beloved canine’s safety. The post 6 amazing vacation ideas for you and your dog in 2021 appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Homemade dog treats: Create rewards with healthy ingredients

By making homemade dog treats, you control the quality of the ingredients, and you can create treats you know your dog will love. The post Homemade dog treats: Create rewards with healthy ingredients appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

8 pro tips that will make training your dog easier

Make dog training easier by choosing a quiet spot and using the appropriate tools and treats. Be sure to socialize your dog. The post 8 pro tips that will make training your dog easier appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Secrets to staying sane while working from home with dogs

Working from home with your dog: Set boundaries, entertain your dog, and train him to understand the new normal. The post Secrets to staying sane while working from home with dogs appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Reasons why dogs like to escape and how to deal with it

Dogs want to escape for a variety of reasons including finding the perfect spot to poop or chasing the neighbor's cat. The post Reasons why dogs like to escape and how to deal with it appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Monday, January 4, 2021

An eco-friendly choice: Dog owners try insect-based food

Looking for a healthier food option for your furry friend? Check out companies that offer insect-based dog foods. The post An eco-friendly choice: Dog owners try insect-based food appeared first on Dog's Best Life.