Monday, February 28, 2022

5 tips for buying the right dog harness

Taking your dog out for a walk is a great exercise for both you and your dog. However, no matter how well-behaved your dog is, they could still get distracted and lose you along the run. Therefore you should make your dog wear a collar or harness to ensure that they’re with you throughout the... Continue Reading The post 5 tips for buying the right dog harness appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

5 dog facts you probably don’t already know

There are numerous facts that people do not know about dogs, including their sense of time, ability to smell emotions, and ability to dream. The post 5 dog facts you probably don’t already know appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Friday, February 25, 2022

3 unique ways changing your life can help your dog

Improve your dog's life when you change your life. Try a new career, travel or attend therapy, so you can improve your dog's life. The post 3 unique ways changing your life can help your dog appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

What are the ideal cars for pet lovers? Find out here

Only you can choose among the best cars for pet lovers. Make your decision based on your needs and your pet's unique personality. The post What are the ideal cars for pet lovers? Find out here appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Why do dogs and humans love each other so much?

The human-canine bond shows why dogs and humans have enjoyed spending time together for hundreds of years. The post Why do dogs and humans love each other so much? appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Could my dog have canine autism?

Most puppies and dogs diagnosed with canine autism lack socialization skills. They don't like to be touched and usually won't make eye contact. The post Could my dog have canine autism? appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Friday, February 18, 2022

5 factors to consider when choosing the best dog doors

Choosing a dog door involves more than just getting a single flap. Consider several factors to ensure you get the right fit for your dog.  The post 5 factors to consider when choosing the best dog doors appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Top tips for keeping your doggies happy and healthy

Our beloved pets are family members. As pet parents, there's a lot we can do to keep our doggies' tails wagging. The post Top tips for keeping your doggies happy and healthy appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Use diet, exercise to prevent canine constipation

To prevent constipation, provide high-quality nutrition, great food, a diet rich in fiber, enough clean water, and plenty of exercise. The post Use diet, exercise to prevent canine constipation appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

The most popular dog breeds in the U.S. in 2022

Popular dog breeds for 2022 include German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers, Poodles, French Bulldogs, and Pembroke Welsh Corgis. The post The most popular dog breeds in the U.S. in 2022 appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

5 crucial roles service dogs fulfill

Service dogs detect seizures and allergies, sense diabetes, and support people with autism and mental health issues. The post 5 crucial roles service dogs fulfill appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Do you have an indoor pet? Here’s how to take care of its fur

Indoor pets need grooming as much as outdoor pets. Keep their fur healthy and free of dirt, dust, and other allergens. The post Do you have an indoor pet? Here’s how to take care of its fur appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

What not to feed your dog: Avoid 7 dangerous foods

Keep your dog away from dangerous foods including chocolate, bones, grapes, caffeine, yeast, and Macadamia nuts. The post What not to feed your dog: Avoid 7 dangerous foods appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Is an Australian Shepherd the right dog for you?

The Australian Shepherd is loving and bonds tightly to its owners. The dogs make perfect companions who protect and reward the people who treat them right. The post Is an Australian Shepherd the right dog for you? appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Is an American Bully XL the right dog for you?

The American Bully XL, a gentle giant, is one of four varieties of the American Bully breed — an extension of the American Pit Bull Terrier. The post Is an American Bully XL the right dog for you? appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Get checked for these 3 diseases after a dog bite

By knowing potential dog bite dangers, you can take action immediately to treat any possible conditions like MRSA from dog bites. The post Get checked for these 3 diseases after a dog bite appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Try 7 activities to challenge your dog’s brain

Challenge your dog's brain by mixing up the routine, using a puzzle feeder, buying new toys, and trying dog sports. The post Try 7 activities to challenge your dog’s brain appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Avoid 6 mistakes when storing dog food

Storing dog food the right way also ensures that nutrients stay fresh for longer and offer more benefits to your dog’s health. The post Avoid 6 mistakes when storing dog food appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Friday, February 4, 2022

4 ways to practice off-leash etiquette

Follow off-leash etiquette: Learn to read canine body language, ask permission from other dog owners, be sure your dog obeys commands. The post 4 ways to practice off-leash etiquette appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Living green: Clean up your dog’s favorite walking spots

Cleaning up your dog’s favorite walking spots lowers your dog’s risk of getting into something dangerous or toxic. The post Living green: Clean up your dog’s favorite walking spots appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Tips to make downsizing with your pet stress-free

Try to keep your pet calm when you downsize and move. Consider using a kennel or crate to keep your dog from getting underfoot. The post Tips to make downsizing with your pet stress-free appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Puppy rooms provide stress relief for college students

Find out how puppies help college students cope with stress and learn more about the benefits of pet therapy. The post Puppy rooms provide stress relief for college students appeared first on Dog's Best Life.