Monday, January 31, 2022

The Best Deal in Online Dog Training is about to disappear... forever!

Dog Star Daily has a ton of fantasitic dog training content and there is an amazing amount you can learn here. But if you're ready to take your dog training to the next level, NOW is the best time to join the Top Dog Academy.   Since 2016, the Top Dog Academy has been the best deal in online dog training. Created by Dr. Ian Dunbar, Kelly Dunbar, and Jamie Dunbar, the Top Dog Academy includes hundreds of hours of dog training videos, lectures, eBooks, worksheets, podcasts and courses, including The Behavior Problems Compendium, The Essential Puppy Training Course, The Reactivity Workshop and...

4 awesome gift ideas for your furry friends 

Splurging on your dog can be a guilty pleasure you can indulge in. Consider these dog gift ideas to treat your best friend. The post 4 awesome gift ideas for your furry friends  appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

How to prevent Intervertebral Disc Disease in dogs

IVDD or Intervertebral Disc Disease from spinal cord degeneration primarily affects small dogs, but it can affect medium and large dogs. The post How to prevent Intervertebral Disc Disease in dogs appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Does your dog have worms? Signs, symptoms, and treatment

Worms cause serious health issues if untreated. Every dog owner needs to know the risks, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options. The post Does your dog have worms? Signs, symptoms, and treatment appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Friday, January 28, 2022

4 dog supplies you need to keep your pet happy and healthy

To provide proper care for your pet, you need to buy the right dog supplies from beds and toys to treats and an ID tag.  The post 4 dog supplies you need to keep your pet happy and healthy appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

7 tips for living successfully with an epileptic dog

If you have an epileptic dog, reduce risks at home that could injure your dog during a seizure. Research the condition and ask questions. The post 7 tips for living successfully with an epileptic dog appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

5 tips to help your dog thrive during winter

Help your dog thrive during winter. Watch for signs of weight change, discomfort, or any change in your dog's emotional state. The post 5 tips to help your dog thrive during winter appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Probiotics for dogs: What are they and how can they help?

Adding canine probiotics can help ease a variety of digestive issues including diarrhea, gas, gastric distension and bloating. The post Probiotics for dogs: What are they and how can they help? appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Monday, January 24, 2022

7 most popular mid-size dog breeds

Mid-size dog breeds are as energetic as small dogs and as loving as big dogs. They vary in activity level, temperament, and trainability. The post 7 most popular mid-size dog breeds appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

5 common dog medications every dog parent needs to know about

Dog medications treat infections, ease pain, fight parasites, and more. Only use medications with your vet's supervision. The post 5 common dog medications every dog parent needs to know about appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

6 breeds that make wonderful family dogs

The best family dog breeds share common traits. They're smart, easy to train, love spending time with people, and are good with children. The post 6 breeds that make wonderful family dogs appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

How to train an adopted greyhound

The greyhound is a loving dog, but because most adopted greyhounds are racing retirees they need training to adapt to living with a family. The post How to train an adopted greyhound appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

5 tips for planning a dog-friendly travel adventure

Being prepared for a dog-friendly travel adventure will make it that much better. Do some planning and preparing before you hit the road. The post 5 tips for planning a dog-friendly travel adventure appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Monday, January 17, 2022

How to help your kids navigate the death of the family dog

When a family dog dies often is the first time a child experiences death or has to think about what death means. The post How to help your kids navigate the death of the family dog appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Is the aloof, glamorous Afghan Hound the right dog for you?

Some people consider the Afghan Hound a "high maintenance" breed. Although the dogs are confident, they also can be overly timid. The post Is the aloof, glamorous Afghan Hound the right dog for you? appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

7 puppy tips for a successful first week

Bringing home a puppy is a big responsibility. Use these first-week puppy tips to establish a strong, healthy relationship with your puppy. The post 7 puppy tips for a successful first week appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Australian Shepherd vs. German Shepherd: Similarities and differences

Shepherd dogs, like Australian Shepherds and German Shepherds, are active, energetic, and intelligent. They are popular family pets. The post Australian Shepherd vs. German Shepherd: Similarities and differences appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Sleep better: 7 reasons why you should give your dog a blanket year-round

Young, old, sick, and small dogs all benefit from using a dog blanket. Blankets also protect your furniture and are easy to take on trips. The post Sleep better: 7 reasons why you should give your dog a blanket year-round appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

5 things you need to know to give your Chihuahua the best care

Provide Chihuahuas with proper care. Schedule regular vet visits, keep your dog clean, provide food for small breeds, and more. The post 5 things you need to know to give your Chihuahua the best care appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Monday, January 10, 2022

10 common bad dog behaviors and how you can stop them

This article will talk about the most common bad dog behaviors and give a possible solution to help you stop each problem. The post 10 common bad dog behaviors and how you can stop them appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Can dogs take Benadryl? When, why, and how much is safe?

Benadryl for dogs is safe but the dose needs to be determined by your dog's weight. Consult your vet before giving your dog any medication. The post Can dogs take Benadryl? When, why, and how much is safe? appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Sunday, January 9, 2022

7 adorable small dog breeds that stay tiny

Small-sized dog breeds stay tiny and adorable for their entire lives. If you want a perpetual lap dog, consider choosing one of these breeds. The post 7 adorable small dog breeds that stay tiny appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

7 pro training tips to ensure your dog is well-behaved

Use seven pro tips to create a well-behaved dog: Use treats for training, keep sessions fun, start on day one and stick to a schedule. The post 7 pro training tips to ensure your dog is well-behaved appeared first on Dog's Best Life.