Thursday, December 31, 2020

Spotting and treating pancreatitis in your dog

There’s no known cause of canine pancreatitis. There is no breed disposition and it's not more common for older or younger dogs. The post Spotting and treating pancreatitis in your dog appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Dogs pack on the pounds during pandemic

Hill's Pet Nutrition study shows pets' pandemic weight gain fueled by too many treats and not enough exercise.  The post Dogs pack on the pounds during pandemic appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Help your dog adjust to city life

Help your dog adjust to city life by exposing it to cars, escalators, elevators, trains, trams, and buses. The post Help your dog adjust to city life appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Should you adopt a dog during quarantine?

Adopting a dog during quarantine has clear advantages, but consider your time, housing, and finances before deciding. The post Should you adopt a dog during quarantine? appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Monday, December 28, 2020

How accurate are cancer-sniffing dogs?

Properly trained cancer-sniffing dogs can accurately distinguish a cancer sample from a noncancerous sample. The post How accurate are cancer-sniffing dogs? appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

4 tips for feeding your miniature pinscher

Feeding your miniature pinscher: Choose small bite food to suit your dog's mouth, healthy snacks, and digestive aid. The post 4 tips for feeding your miniature pinscher appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

5 reasons you should feed your dog bananas

Feed your dog bananas to improve sleep, digestive health, skin, kidney function, heart health, and more. Just remember to throw away the peel. The post 5 reasons you should feed your dog bananas appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Is a Tibetan terrier the right dog for you?

The Tibetan terrier is often confused with the Lhasa apso. While they look similar, their origins and size are different. The post Is a Tibetan terrier the right dog for you? appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Alaskan Husky vs. Siberian Husky: Understand the difference

Confused by the Alaskan Husky vs. Siberian Husky dilemma? Check out these facts to consider when making the decision. The post Alaskan Husky vs. Siberian Husky: Understand the difference appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Runny eyes (epiphora) in dogs: Causes and treatment

Canine epiphora or excessive watering or tear flow is harmless for a few dog breeds but may cause loss of vision in others. The post Runny eyes (epiphora) in dogs: Causes and treatment appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Friday, December 18, 2020

11 must-know tips for crate training your dog

Crate training your dog: Start by choosing the right type and crate size, and determine the right spot for the crate. The post 11 must-know tips for crate training your dog appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Can you train your pet to go to college classes with you?

When you train your pet for college, scope out your living situation to make sure it’s suitable for the animal’s size and nature. The post Can you train your pet to go to college classes with you? appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

5 tips for traveling with your dog this Christmas

When traveling with your dog, it's helpful to pack some of their home comforts to keep your pup calm, compliant, and happy. The post 5 tips for traveling with your dog this Christmas appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Brr! 5 winter care tips for Labradoodles

To protect your Labradoodle from winter's cold, keep the dog's coat clean and healthy, and consider using a sweater and boots. The post Brr! 5 winter care tips for Labradoodles appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

5 tips for dog lovers to manage asthma and allergy symptoms

As many as three in 10 people with allergies have reactions to cats and dogs, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. The post 5 tips for dog lovers to manage asthma and allergy symptoms appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Quarantine lessons from Wrigley the dog

As we head into this new year, Wrigley offers these quarantine lessons: Turn off your TV and get outside for a walk. The post Quarantine lessons from Wrigley the dog appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Qualities you should look for in a pet boutique

When shopping for your furry buddy select a pet boutique that curates its collection, understands pets, and offers a convenient refund policy. The post Qualities you should look for in a pet boutique appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

7 useful car accessories for dogs

Use car accessories for dogs to keep your pup safe and comfortable whether you're going for a short drive or a road trip. The post 7 useful car accessories for dogs appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

3 tips to improve your dog’s diet

Take three steps to improve your dog's diet. Start by buying with caution, adding raw foods, and eliminating gluten. The post 3 tips to improve your dog’s diet appeared first on Dog's Best Life.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Science-Based Dog Training (with Feeling) in 60 seconds!

We are currently running a fun promotion on Dunbar Academy where you can watch one of Ian's all-time greatest seminars for free! With that in mind, we made these three silly little videos where Jamie attempts to summarize each day of Ian's Science-Based Dog Training (with Feeling) seminar into just 60 seconds! That's a compression factor of x360!  Day 1 of Science-Based Dog Training (with Feeling) is all about behavior problems, and how to resolve all the common ones, and, even better, how to prevent all of them in puppyhood, and why so few people manage to actually do so. In addition to...

Resolving Dog-Dog Reactivity

FOR A LIMITED TIME Watch the all-new Dunbar Academy Dog-Dog Reactivity webinar for FREE, where Dr. Ian Dunbar explains the common causes of reactivity and how to resolve reactivity using 10 easy and effective exercises.  Dog-Dog Aggression is really upsetting for dogs and their owners alike — both are excruciatingly stressed but additionally, all too often the stress and anxiety remains a chronic condition because most treatment protocols are so slow. Also, I think many people are scared to attempt quick resolution because of the “aggression” label. However, after carefully analyzing...

Teach Tug to Resolve Reactivity - Part 1

FOR A LIMITED TIME Watch the all-new Dunbar Academy Dog-Dog Reactivity webinar for FREE, where Dr. Ian Dunbar explains how to resolve dog-dog reactivity and why teaching your dog to play Tug is one of the most effective things you can do. In this video, Kelly works with novice dogs and demonstrates how you can begin teaching tug to a dog. She works with three dogs, starting with a little one-year-old Corgi, then a Poodle puppy and finally Missy, our resident little old lady. * The Corgi has never played tug before, but she has played ball, so it's easy to get her started using a ball on a rope. ...

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Puppies vs. Adult Dogs and Breeders vs. Shelters/Rescues

I am often asked, (actually, “criticized” and “chastised” might be more accurate terms): 1. Why most of my seminars, articles, books and DVDs focus on puppy raising and training rather than adult dog training? and 2. Why I promote (which I don’t) buying pure-bred puppies from breeders instead of adopting adult mixed-breeds from shelters? 1. Why Puppies? Basically, because every adult dog was once a puppy. More specifically, every adolescent/adult dog with difficult-to-resolve behavior, temperament, or training problem was once a puppy that was literally begging for an education to learn how to...

Eugenics or Dysgenics

Natural Selection is nature's fail-safe method to maintain eugenics (good genes and fine offspring). All dogs are different; individual variation is an inherent characteristic of sexual reproduction. Different dogs fair differently in different situations: those dogs best suited to the immediate environment (the genetically fittest) do well; the less fit do less well; and the unfit usually die. In the wild, the process of natural selection promotes the survival of the fittest and the elimination of nature's mistakes. Additionally, nature has a wonderful way to promote good breeding —...